Founded in 1988, the Korean Regional Development Association provides intellectual leadership in the study of those social, economic, political and behavioral phenomena which have a urban and regional dimension. Consequently, the Association brings together scholars from a large number of fields, including regional development, urban planning, rural development, urban public administration, geography and economics. Members are from academic institutions, government, consulting organizations and a variety of private firms. Currently, the Association houses about 500 scholars and most of them are working in universities and research institutes in Korea and abroad. The main objectives of the Association are the fostering of exchange of ideas and the promotion of studies focusing on the region, including the utilization of tools, methods and theoretical frameworks, specifically designed for regional analysis as well as concept, procedures and analytical techniques of the various social and other sciences.
These objectives are achieved through the acquaintance and discussion among its members and with scholars in related fields, by the encouragement of publication of scholarly studies and by performing services to aid the advancement of its members and the field of regional science.
For these objectives, the Association have a range of activities including publishing a journal, newsletter and books, conferences and other meetings, management of an on-line international research register and a branch and international section network.
International networking is one of the prime goals that the Association is pursuing. The Association is currently a member of Regional Studies Association (International). The Association has also a sisterhood relationship with the Vietnam Urban Planning and Development Association in Vietnam.