국제관개배수위원회(ICID: International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage)가개최하는“제22차ICID 총회및제65차집행위원회” 개최계획을아래와같이알려드립니다. 회원님들의논문제출과많은참석을부탁드립니다.
□명칭: 제22차ICID 총회및제65차집행위원회
□일시: 2014년9월14일–9월20일
□장소: 광주광역시, 김대중컨벤션센터
□초록접수: 2013. 11. 01 –2014. 01. 15
※논문은초록채택시접수시작(2014. 3. 1 –4. 30)
□주제: 기후변화시대의농촌용수확보
(Securing Water for Food and Rural Community under Climate Change)
Question 58: How Irrigation and Drainage play an important role in Climate Change Adaptation?
58.1 Understanding Impacts of Climate Change on Land and Water Use
58.2 Revisiting Design and Operation Criteria for Irrigation and Drainage Facilities
58.3 Managing Frequent Floods and Droughts
Question 59: How do Irrigation and Drainage Interventions secure food production and livelihood for rural community?
59.1 Securing Water and Livelihood of Rural Community
59.2 Improving Irrigation Efficiency
59.3 Water Sharing and Water Transfer in Water Stressed Areas
Special session : New Partnership for Rural Development
Symposium : Non-point Sources Pollution (NPS) and Best Management Practices (BMPs)
□ICID 회의에참석하면....
- 60여개국과국제기구(FAO, UNDP 등)의직원과기술자등1,200여명참석
- 전세계농업및물관련전문가/고위공직자와네트워크형성의최적기회제공
- 개발도상국에서원하는기후변화, 수자원확보, 식량안보, 농촌개발
- 우수한논문중채택된논문은ICID 저널(SCIE) 특별판으로출간
- 연구및응용기술중심의발표로첨단및적정기술의습득
- 20여개분과위원회와워킹그룹회의에참석하여국제적인정책, 기술개발, 협력, 공동연구등연구동향파악
- Congress, 심포지엄, 세미나, 특별세미나등전학회일정참여
- 논문집, 기념품, 전시회참여로현장의실증기술자료수집
- 회의전기간중식, 만찬, 다양한공연등참여
□문의사항: ICID 준비사무국학술담당김영득과장(031 400 1884)